Agile Coach & Scrum Berater in Berlin


Backlog creation & correction

Agile training

Sprint implementation

mit Kanban, Daily Stand-ups, Grooming, Sprint planning and Retrospective

Follow-up: Reports, Sprint Velocity

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With HelloFresh: Successfully implemented Scrum in the Marketing Business Analytics Team.

• Backlog Refinement (from over 1k items to less than 300)
• Coaching and Implementation of Scrum Events
• Coach Team for Story Points /Story writing Implementation
• Sprint Velocity progress controlling
• JIRA Optimization: projects overall & Scrum board / Kanban board (using labels)
• Automation from Service portal tickets (components, assignment, versions, etc)
• OKRs as epic "themes" and quarterly controlling

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Sabine Veidemane

Team Lead CRM Analytics - Marketing Content Marketing @ HelloFresh

Alex joined our HelloFresh Marketing BI team in October 2019 as an Agile expert to completely revamp our messy processes around using Jira for workload planning and monitoring. Over the next few months he set our team up for future success as he switched us to new workflows, Jira boards and working in 2-week Sprints. He introduced Agile ceremonies, such as Sprint planning and Retrospectives, and concepts around Story Points for ticket estimation which brought it all to life and made us much more focused and structured! As a Team Lead within Marketing BI, I can say that it also allowed me to bring my stakeholder expectation management to a whole new higher level. It was a real pleasure to work with Alex and his down-to-earth and approachable can-do attitude!

SEO Hilfe gesucht?

Alex Bieth
Geschäftsführer @ SEO Berlino
SEO & Analytics Senior Berater

E - [email protected]
Let's meet -Set up a 30 mn Call free of charge