
If you identify pages which should not be index you need to use noindex

noindex is a directive that can be used to instruct search engines not to index a specific web page or a group of web pages on a website. When a web page is indexed by a search engine, it is added to the search engine's database and can be displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) when a relevant search query is entered by a user.
However, there may be certain web pages that website owners do not want to appear in search results for various reasons, such as duplicate content, private or confidential information, or low-quality pages.By using the noindex directive, website owners can prevent search engines from indexing specific web pages or sections of their website. This is achieved by adding a specific tag in the HTML code of the page, instructing search engines not to crawl or index that particular page. The noindex directive is commonly used in conjunction with other directives, such as nofollow or disallow, to prevent search engines from following links or crawling specific sections of a website.It is important to note that using the noindex directive does not necessarily mean that a web page is completely hidden from the public. Users can still access the page directly by typing the URL into their browser, but it will not appear in search engine results. Additionally, using the noindex directive should be done with caution, as it can have a significant impact on a website's SEO performance and should only be used when necessary.


<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

Alex Bieth, Owner @ SEO Berlino and SEO Consultant